Date: 2014-03-05
I’ve been using Gentoo Linux for a few years and have followed these notes a few times on different computers.
Start fdisk to work on /dev/sda
fdisk /dev/sda
Create boot partition by following:
new -> primary -> 1st partition
-> start at default -> end 256 MB later
-> p -> 1 -> -> +256M
make it bootable
a -> 1
Create swap partition
n -> p -> 2 -> -> +512M
Set its type to “Linux Swap”
t -> 2 -> 82
Create root parition taking up the rest
n -> p -> 3 -> ->
finally, write w
Boot partition as ext3
mkfs.ext3 /dev/sda1
Create and activate swap
mkswap /dev/sda2
swapon /dev/sda2
Make sda3
an ext4 filesystem
mkfs.ext4 /dev/sda3
mount /dev/sda3 /mnt/gentoo
mkdir /mnt/gentoo/boot
mount /dev/sda1 /mnt/gentoo/boot
Boot up links
and go to,
choose a mirror, and get stage3 tarball at releases/x86/2007.0/stages/
press d
to download
Do a checksum:
# NOTE: You'll probably want to use `sha512sum` instead.
# Just `cat` the DIGESTS file to see what kind(s) of hashes it has.
md5sum -c stage3-i686-2007.0.tar.bz2.DIGESTS
Untar the tarball:
tar xvjpf stage3-*.tar.bz2 -C /mnt/gentoo
The options mean:
x - extract, v - verbose,
j - decompress with bzip2, p - preserve permissions,
f - extract a file
Sometimes you want to leave the verbose part out when using a slow terminal
Do the same with Portage from
but untar with the command
tar xvjf portage-latest.tar.bz2 -C /mnt/gentoo/usr
Choose mirrors:
mirrorselect -i -o >> /mnt/gentoo/etc/portage/make.conf
mirrorselect -i -r -o >> /mnt/gentoo/etc/portage/make.conf
cp -p mode -L /etc/resolv.conf /mnt/gentoo/etc/
(the -L
option ensures no symbolic link,
and -p mode
ensures that the file remains readable for normal users)
mount -t proc none /mnt/gentoo/proc
mount -o bind /dev /mnt/gentoo/dev
change root from /
to /mnt/gentoo
chroot /mnt/gentoo /bin/bash
create new environment (variables)
load environment variables
source /etc/profile
export PS1="(chroot) $PS1"
to the latest version
emerge --sync
for slow console…
emerge --sync --quiet
get kernel
emerge -q gentoo-sources
and make it (with -s for silent)
cd /usr/src/linux
make menuconfig
make -s && make -s modules_install
copy kernel image to /boot
cp arch/x86_64/boot/bzImage /boot/kernel-3.13.5
Use whatever kernel version is appropriate in the name.
List modules for autoloading in /etc/modules.autoload.d/kernel-2.6
to view all available:
find /lib/modules/<kernel version>/ \
-type f -iname '*.o' -or -iname '*.ko'
Syntax: <partition> <mount point> <filesystem> <mount options> <needs dump> <fsk>
This example’s options:
/dev/sda1 /boot ext3 defaults,noatime 1 2
/dev/sda2 none swap sw 0 0
/dev/sda3 / ext4 noatime 0 1
/dev/cdrom /mnt/cdrom auto noauto,usr 0 0
Name your computer by putting the following line in /etc/conf.d/hostname
Define hosts that aren’t resolved by the nameserver by editing /etc/hosts
. localhost bat-masterson
::1 localhost
emerge pcmciautils
System Information
emerge syslog-ng
rc-update add syslog-ng default
Among others, you can use dcron
, fcron
, or vixie-cron
for this, but I chose vixie-cron
emerge vixie-cron
rc-update add vixie-cron default
if dcron
or fcron
, also do
crontab /etc/crontab
for the locate tool
emerge mlocate
possi-ex: xfsprogs, jfsutils
emerge xfsprogs
emerge dhcpcd
find info in /usr/src/linux/Documentation/fb/vesafb.txt
emerge vesafb-tng
First install Grub.
emerge grub
Set up grub through grub-install
first setup /etc/mtab
grep -v rootfs /proc/mounts > /etc/mtab
With /boot
still mounted, install Grub.
grub-install /dev/sda
grub-mkconfig -o /boot/grub/grub.cfg
This second command should be rerun any time you install a new kernel.
It reads some settings from /etc/default/grub
tidy up a little first
umount /mnt/gentoo/boot /mnt/gentoo/dev /mnt/gentoo/proc /mnt/gentoo
useradd -m grencez
Describe the USE flags for a specific package.
equery --nocolor uses =sys-devel/llvm-3.3-r1 -a