Date: 2015-08-29 (searched for a number of after 82000 up to 11 million decimal digits)
Updated: 2020-11-29 (wrote this article), 2020-12-19 (added caching for better time complexity)
Download code: search82000.js, search82000.c
You can write the number 82000 in different bases, but a few after base 2 still look like binary:
Wow that’s a lot of ones and zeroes. You might ask how rare that is. The sequence at lists the currently-known integers that can be written using digits 0 and 1 in all bases 2, 3, 4, and 5. That list currently has 3 numbers (0, 1, and 82000), so you could say that 82000 is quite rare! Is there another number in the sequence?
Perhaps a better question to ask is whether, the same sequence for bases 4 and 5, contains any numbers larger than 82005. But I’ll leave that one for another day.
Nonexistence proofs can be pretty challenging, so maybe it’s worth letting a computer search for one! This comment from threenplusone outlines a clever way to search:
The clever part is skipping to the next-largest number written with all 0 and 1 digits when the check fails. It seems to let us search more digits at a near-constant rate with respect to number of checks performed. My code prints how many iterations (of steps 2, 3, and 4 combined) it takes to grow the guess by each successive 100 decimal digits. The following commands generate that output and graph it with a linear regression:
node search82000.js | tee iterations.log
# Let it run for a while... then make a graph.
cat iterations.log | tail -n +2 | sed -E -e 's/^.*\+([0-9]*) .*$/\1/' > iterations.dat
gnuplot -e 'set terminal png; f(x) = a*x + b; fit f(x) "iterations.dat" via a,b; plot f(x), "iterations.dat" with points' > iterations.png
After searching up to 500k decimal digits, the linear regression plot is a horizontal line indicating an average of about 430 iterations per 100 new digits.
If truly constant, then this would mean the search can reach any guess N with n bits (or digits) in O(n) checks.
Furthermore, each {0,1}-digits
check involves O(n) divisions by a constant base at worst, which makes each check O(n²lg(n)), and lets us reach any guess N in O(n³lg(n)) time.
The seemingly constant bound on iterations is a result of another observation: When excluding base 3, I have not yet encountered a {0,1}-digit base 4 number has more than 131 leading {0,1} digits in base 5. Likewise, I have not encountered a {0,1}-digit base 5 number has more than 155 leading {0,1} digits in base 4. Therefore if we only consider bases 4 and 5, the checks may be O(n lg(n)), which is further reduced to O(n) if we replace division with cache lookups. This means our {0,1}-digit search in bases 4 and 5 may reach any guess N with n bits in O(n²) time (aka O(lg(N)²)). Even if there likely isn’t a constant bound on the leading {0,1} digits, especially when base 3 is included, this quadratic complexity is basically what you can expect.
function check01_simple(guess, base) {
// Both inputs have the BigInt type.
// Assuming that the high digit is 1, calculate its place value.
// The actual code calculates this from the previous high digit value
// since we already keep it and older ones in a cache.
let high = base ** (count_digits_in_base(guess, base) - 1);
let r1 = guess;
let passed = true;
while (high > 1) {
if (r1 >= high) {
const r2 = r1 - high;
if (r2 >= high) {
passed = false;
r1 = r2;
// Integer division. Actually a cache lookup.
high /= base;
passed = passed && (r1 <= 1);
if (!passed) {
guess = guess - r1 + high * base;
return [guess, passed];